Cyclops - For SOTI MobiControl

by Antonio Calabrese



Cyclops is a powerful mobile application designed for IT admin, providing seamless access to your Mobicontrol web console.Effortlessly manage and monitor your fleet of devices enrolled in SOTI Mobicontrol EMM.Stay in control, whether youre in the office or on the go. Experience streamlined device management with Cyclops – your device management companion.**How to Setup**For SOTI MobiControl cloud customers:- SOTI support needs to create an API client on your behalf. Connect with SOTI Support and ask for a new API client created with the command below.For SOTI Mobicontrol on prem customers:- Run the command below on your SOTI Mobicontrol server and take note of the API client and secret.**Command**MCAdmin.exe APIClientAdd -n:{API client name} [-p:{API secret}] -r:mcauth://callback-n: the name of the new client. Can be any string-p (optional): passphrase to protect the API. One will be generated if not provided-r: Redirect URI. Must be mcauth://callbackNote.Mobicontrol 2024.0.1 offers UI-based API client creation with limited security. Cyclops requires API clients created using described process to ensure that no user password is shared with the app.Cyclops requires SOTI Mobicontrol version 14 or above.